
- A*STAR Institute of Medical Biology 1
- Academia Sinica 4
- Academisch Medisch Centrum 2
- Adam Mickiewicz University 1
- AEG-Aktiengesellschaft-Research Institute 1
- Aerie Pharmaceuticals 1
- Agilent Technologies 3
- AgResearch Ltd. 1
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 1
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, University of Ottawa 1
- Akita Prefectural University 1
- Albany Medical College 1
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine 2
- Alcoa World Alumina 1
- Alex Kawazaki Photography 2
- AlexmarPhoto 2
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research 3
- Allergen Home Assessment, Inc. 1
- Alma Mater Studiorum 1
- American Museum of Natural History 1
- American Petrographics Inc. 1
- Amgen, Inc. 1
- Amicus Therapeutics 6
- Amsterdam UMC 1
- Angry Turtle Gems 1
- Appalachian State University 1
- Applied Magnetics Corporation 2
- Aptech Engineering Services 1
- Argonne National Laboratory 7
- Ariadne Research 1
- Arizona State University 9
- Artur Matysik Photography 2
- Assam University 1
- Auburn University 1
- Australian National University 2
- Austrian Federal College for Graphic Arts 1
- Aztec Tool Corporation 9
- Bainbridge Photography 1
- Battelle Columbus Laboratories 1
- Baylor College of Medicine 14
- BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations 2
- Beauty of Science 2
- Bedford Institute of Oceanography 1
- Beijing Miteyide Culture Co., Ltd. 1
- Beijing Planetarium 7
- Belarusian State University 1
- Berlin Microscopic Society 1
- Bio-Graphics 7
- Biomedical Communications, UAHSC 2
- Biosphoto 5
- Biosphoto Agency 5
- Birmingham, Alabama VA Medical Center 1
- Blue Mountains Photomicrography 1
- Bob Hope International Heart Research Institute 3
- Boston Children’s Hospital 4
- Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Berlin-Dahlem 2
- Bowling Green State University 1
- Brandeis University 2
- Briarwillow LLC 3
- Bridgewater State College 1
- Brigham Young University 1
- Brockway Glass Company 1
- Brookhaven National Laboratory 4
- Brown University 3
- C. Riechert AG 1
- Caleb Foster Photography 2
- California Institute of Integral Studies 1
- California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 8
- California State University, Long Beach 1
- Cambreur College 3
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute 1
- Cardiff University 3
- Carolina Biological Supply Company 12
- CEA Grenoble 1
- Celanese Research Company 3
- Centexbel 19
- Central Science Laboratory 1
- Central Washington University 1
- Centre for Organismal Studies (COS), University of Heidelberg 1
- Centre Medical Universitaire (CMU) 1
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 3
- Centro de Astrobiología, Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (CSIC-INTA) 1
- Centro de Biologia Marinha 3
- Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas 1
- CFD Research Corporation 2
- Changchun Teachers Training College 1
- Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School 2
- Charité Berlin 2
- Charles Krebs Photography 37
- Charles University 35
- Children’s Ecological and Biological Center 7
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel 1
- Chu. La Pitie’ 1
- CIAT - Light Microscopy Laboratory 1
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center 2
- CIRAD - Agricultural Research for Development 3
- City of San Jose Regional Wastewater Lab 1
- Clarkson University 1
- Clemson University 3
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation 1
- ClodStone Photography, LLC 1
- Clouds Hill Imaging, Ltd 1
- Club Français de Microscopie 3
- CMRB - Center of Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona 2
- CNR Institute of Neuroscience 2
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 1
- College of Mount Saint Vincent 1
- Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 1
- Colorado State University 2
- Columbia University 12
- Composites Atlantic Ltd. 1
- Connecticut College 1
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) 1
- Conserjería Educación Gobierno de Cantabria 3
- Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc. 6
- Coral Culture and Collaborative Research Facility 8
- Cornell University 3
- Cornell University Medical College 1
- Corning, Inc. 1
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 1
- Crawford W. Long Memorial Hospital 1
- CRI 1
- CSIRO Plant Industry 1
- CTL Group 1
- Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office 1
- Czech Technical University 3
- Daimler Benz Research Center 7
- Dako Corporation 1
- Dalhousie University 2
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 2
- Danforth Plant Science Center 1
- Dantis 1
- Dartmouth College 3
- Dataport 2
- David Spears Imaging 1
- De Water Architect 1
- Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc. 2
- Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 1
- Design by Earth 1
- Dewel Microscopy Facility 1
- Diatom Shop 1
- Dickinson College 1
- Disperse Group 2
- Don Komarechka Photography 3
- Doug Craft Fine Art 3
- DREAL de Basse-Normandie 11
- Dresden University of Technology 1
- Drexel University 3
- drmarkusmicroscopy 1
- Droplet Microscopy 2
- Dublin Institute of Technology 2
- Duke University 4
- Duke University Medical Center 1
- DZNE 1
- E.I. DuPont Co. 1
- E.N.I.T.A. National School of Agronomy 1
- Eastern Virginia Medical School 4
- Eastman Kodak, Inc., San Diego Laboratories 2
- Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes 1
- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 3
- Education Nationale 5
- Educational Photo Lab (EPL) 2
- Emory University 2
- Entorno S.L. 2
- Environment Canada 1
- Environmental Analytical Laboratories 1
- Eötvös Loránd University 3
- EPFL 1
- Erasmus MC 1
- Estonian University of Life Sciences 1
- ETH Zurich 2
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) 1
- Explore Microscopy 1
- Eyecare Clinic 3
- Faculté de Médecine de Saint Etienne 1
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 1
- Fakse Hospital 1
- Falmouth University 1
- Faze Medicines, Inc. 1
- Federal Fisheries & Oceans 1
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) 2
- Fermenta Animal Health Company 1
- Ferro Corporation Research Center 4
- Flinders University 3
- Florida Atlantic University 2
- Florida State University 7
- Florin Photographics 2
- FMC Corp. 1
- Ford Motor Company 1
- 1
- Fox Chase Cancer Center 1
- FP Nature and Landscape Photography 2
- Franciszek Raszeja Hospital 1
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 2
- Free University of Brussels 1
- Freie Universität Berlin 1
- Fullbright Studio 3
- Fundación Instituto Leloir 1
- Gaush Meditech Ltd. 1
- Gemological Institute of America 21
- Geological Survey of Finland 4
- Georg-August-University Göttingen 1
- George Mason University 1
- George Washington University 2
- Georgia Bureau of Investigation 1
- German Cancer Research Center 1
- German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research (DZMB) 3
- Ghent University 4
- Glaxo Group Research 1
- Goethe University 3
- Good Samaritan Hospital 2
- Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center 2
- Government of Western Australia 1
- Griffith University 2
- 1
- GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health 1
- Guangdong Radio and Television 3
- Gustometry + SF Micro Society 2
- H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center 2
- Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Kerem 1
- Hansgrohe AG 1
- Harbison-Walker Refractories 1
- Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute 1
- Harvard Medical School 16
- Harvard University 12
- Heinrich Hertz Institute 1
- Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf 1
- Hellenic Pasteur Institute 1
- Heriot-Watt University 2
- Higher Education Department Jammu and Kashmir India 1
- Hiperfocal 3
- HMS Architectural Design 2
- Hoffmann-La Roche 6
- Hokkaido University 1
- Holy Cross Hospital 1
- Hospital for Joint Diseases, Orthopedic Institute 2
- Houston Methodist Hospital 1
- Houston Vitreoretinal Consultants 2
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 39
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences 11
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Experimental Medicine 9
- Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences 1
- Hunter College 1
- Hydrobiological Institute 1
- I.D.R.S. Member 1
- I.E.S Nestor Almendros 1
- IBM Corp. 3
- IDOR 1
- IES Leonardo Torres Quevedo 2
- IES Virgen de la Luz 2
- IIT Bombay 1
- Illinois Natural History Survey 1
- 2
- Images Unliminted 1
- IMBA - Institute of Molecular Biotechnology GmbH 1
- Immunex Corp. 1
- ImmunoGen, Inc. 9
- immunoGlobe GmbH 1
- Imperial College London 3
- Impressions Microscopiques 1
- Inalsa 1
- Independent Value Based Healthcare Consultant 1
- Indian Institute of Advanced Research 1
- Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali 3
- Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 1
- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research 1
- Indiana University 4
- Indiana University School of Medicine 1
- INIBIBB (CONICET - Universidad Nacional del Sur) 2
- Insel Hospital 2
- Insight Photography 3
- Institut Curie 1
- Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (CSIC) 1
- Institut de la Vision 2
- Institut für Zelltechnology e.V. IZT 1
- Institut Pasteur 3
- Institut Pasteur Korea 3
- Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) 1
- Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment 1
- Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona 1
- Institute of Biochemistry II 1
- Institute of Biotechnology CAS 1
- Institute of Developmental Biology Russian Academy of Science 3
- Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Fisheries 1
- Institute of Hydrobiology 2
- Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz 1
- Institute of Science and Technology Austria 1
- Institute of Technical Education, Singapore 1
- Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas 1
- Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes 1
- Instituto Gemológico Español (IGE) 1
- Insula College Dordrecht 1
- Intellectual Ventures 1
- Interhealth 2
- Intermedics Inc. 1
- International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 1
- International Rice Research Institute 1
- iRTSV/ TS - CEA Grenoble 1
- Israeli Veterinary Association 3
- Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d’Aosta 2
- ISV Verona 1
- J.P. Blanchard, M.D., Inc. 1
- JACANA Press Agency 10
- Jagiellonian University 1
- Jan van IJken Photography and Film 3
- Jerezy Rojkowski Photography 1
- Jewish Hospital 2
- Jichi Medical University 1
- Johannes Gutenberg University 1
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 2
- Johns Hopkins Hospital 2
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 18
- Johns Hopkins University 9
- JRE Gr of Institutions 1
- JSC Radiophysics 3
- Justin Zoll Photography 5
- Justpixels 3
- Kandid Kush 2
- Kansas State University 2
- Karolinska Institutet 1
- Kauai Community College 3
- Keele University 1
- Kent State University 3
- Kent State University at Stark 1
- Kiel University 8
- King’s College London 3
- Kinsman Physics Productions 1
- Kipling Collegiate Institute 1
- Klinisk Kemisk AFD 1
- Laboratoire d’Océanographie et de Biogéochimie 1
- Laboratory of Molecular Genetics 4
- Landform Slides 1
- Laurence Acland Photography 1
- Laval University 1
- LaVision BioTec, a Miltenyi Biotec Company 1
- Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 4
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 10
- Lehigh University 1
- Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI) 1
- Leiden University 2
- Leonardo Capradossi Photography 2
- Levon Biss Photography Ltd 2
- Liberty University 2
- Licoi 3
- Lier Fotoklubb 1
- Lions Eye Institute 3
- Liquid Crystal Institute 1
- Little Giants Exhibition 1
- Lockheed Martin 1
- Los Angeles Microscopical Society 1
- Lotus Gemology 2
- Lovely Professional University 1
- LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport 3
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 4
- LUX Biotechnology Ltd. 3
- Macquarie University 9
- Macro Cosmos Imaging 1
- Macro Depok (MD) 1
- Macrofying 2
- Madigan Army Medical Center 4
- Madras Christian College 1
- Manchester Microscopical and Natural History Society 1
- Mannheim University of Applied Sciences 1
- Maple Ferryman 1
- Marek Mis Photography 18
- Marine Biological Association 1
- Marine Biological Laboratory 5
- Marmara University 2
- Martek Biosciences 1
- Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 2
- Masaryk University 3
- Massachusetts General Hospital 1
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 4
- Materials Research Science and Engineering Center 1
- Max Planck Institue for the Science of Light 3
- Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research 1
- Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research 3
- Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics 8
- Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology 5
- McCrone Associates 4
- McCrone Research Institute 11
- McDonnell Douglas Corporation 1
- McGill University 4
- McMaster University 2
- MDI Biological Laboratory 2
- Medi-Center Laboratories 1
- Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University 2
- Medical University of South Carolina 5
- Medical University of Vienna 2
- Medienbunker Produktion 7
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 3
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Institute 2
- MEMPHYS - Center for Biomembrane Physics 3
- Merck Institute 5
- Merritt College 1
- MetPrep Ltd 1
- Miami Valley Hospital 1
- Michigan State University 10
- Michigan Technological University 1
- Micrarium Enterprises 3
- Micro Image 1
- Microcosmo Italia 5
- Microimaginings 2
- Microphoto Studio “Cat’s Glove” 1
- Micropolitan Museum 39
- Microscopix Photolibrary 2
- 1
- Microsphere Images 1
- Microworld Services 12
- Mikrobiologische Vereinigung München e.V. (MVM) 1
- Mikrofoto 2
- Mikroskopische Gesellschaft 2
- Millette Vander Wood and Associates 1
- Milwaukee Public Museum 1
- Mineralien LLC 2
- Modernist Cuisine 2
- Molecular Probes, Inc. 9
- Monsanto 2
- Montana Diatoms 9
- Moog, Inc. 1
- Morgan Technical Ceramics 1
- Morgridge Institute for Research 1
- Mote Marine Laboratory 1
- Mount Holyoke College 5
- Mount Sinai Hospital 1
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine 2
- MRC National Institute for Medical Research 1
- Mukland Iron and Steel Ltd. 1
- Murdoch University 5
- Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 2
- My Microscopic World 4
- MycoKey 1
- Mystic Molecules 1
- Nagoya University 3
- Nanyang Technological University 1
- NASA - Langley Research Center 1
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2
- Nassau Community College 5
- National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences 4
- National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 2
- National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR) 3
- National Cheng Kung University 1
- National Chiao Tung University 2
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 1
- National Institute for Physiological Sciences 1
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) 1
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 1
- National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research 1
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) 30
- National Museum of Nature and Science 2
- National Research Council of Canada 14
- National University of Mexico 2
- National University of Singapore 5
- National Veterinary Research Institute 1
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital 1
- Natur und Tier-Verlag NTV 3
- Natural Resources Canada 1
- Nature, Interrupted 1
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein 3
- New York City Police Laboratory 1
- New York University (NYU) 5
- Newcastle University 1
- Nicolaus Copernicus University 1
- Nipissing University 2
- Noble Research Institute 1
- North Carolina State University 9
- Northamptonshire Natural History Society 5
- Northwestern University 15
- Norwegian Medicines Control Authority 1
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 4
- Nostoca Algae Laboratory 2
- Nuclear Research Centre 2
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory 6
- Oakwood Hospital 1
- Occupational Institute for Safety and Health 1
- Odyeaus 2
- Ohio Color Custom Labs 2
- Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation 1
- Oregon Department of Agriculture 2
- Organon International B.V. 1
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova 1
- Oswaldo Cruz Foundation 2
- Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg 1
- Oxford Brookes University 3
- Pacific Biomedical Research Center 2
- Paedia Corporation 3
- Panjab University 1
- Panorama Productions 1
- Paris-7 University 1
- Particular 2
- Pathology Associates PSC 1
- Peace River Films 1
- Penn State University 1
- Peter Kinchington Photography 1
- Pfizer, Inc. 4
- Pharmacia Corporation 1
- PHO.N.E Photo Agency 6
- Photo-Graphics 4
- Photographic Expressions 1
- 1
- Planapo Optical 1
- Plankton Chronicles 1
- Polaroid Corp. 3
- Polish Academy of Science 4
- Pollutech Limited 1
- Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces Group 1
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 3
- PPG Industries 3
- Premier Printing 1
- Presbyterian College 1
- Prince Studios 1
- Princeton University 2
- Protist Lab Films 2
- PTE Corporation 1
- Punto NEF Photography 2
- Purdue Pharma L.P. 1
- Purdue University 4
- Push Creative 1
- Q Therapeutics 1
- Queen Mary University of London 1
- Queensland University of Technology 1
- Quekett Microscope Club 2
- Quinnipiac College 1
- Raghuram Annadana Photography 2
- Rancho Los Amigos Hospital 1
- Raul Gonzalez Estudio 5
- Redken Laboratories 2
- Resolution Sciences Corp. 1
- Rice Research Foundation 2
- RIKEN Plant Science Center 1
- Roche Biomedical Laboratories 1
- Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) 31
- Roger Williams University 1
- Roswell Park Memorial Institute 4
- Rothay House 1
- Royal Museum for Central Africa 1
- Royal School of Veterinary Studies 1
- Rudjer Boskovic Institute 1
- Russian State Agrarian University - MTAA 1
- Saarland University 1
- sagaOptics, SIX FΞΞT ART 1
- Saipem 2
- Salk Institute for Biological Studies 3
- Sandia National Laboratories 1
- Santa Barbara Research Center 1
- SAP AG (EH&S Environment, Health & Safety) 1
- Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology 1
- Schulte-Merker Lab, Institute for Cardiovascular Organogenesis and Regeneration 1
- Schwielowsee/OT 1
- Science and Art 1
- Science and Art Multimedia 3
- Science Art 2
- Science Photo Library 2
- Scientific Observations 1
- Scientific Supply Company 1
- Scion 2
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography 5
- SDym Photography 4
- Seed & Plant Certification & Registration Institute 3
- Semmelweis University 1
- Seton Hall University 1
- Shriners Hospital, Tampa Unit 2
- Simon Fraser University 1
- Simon Photography 1
- Simons Foundation Flatiron Institute 1
- SINTEF Materials Technology 1
- SIU School of Medicine 1
- Small Wonder Enterprises 2
- Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 2
- Smithsonian Institution 2
- Smithsonian Marine Station 1
- Solvin Zankl Images 2
- Sony Fotoclub Hannover 1
- South Australian Museum 2
- Southeastern Regional Taxonomic Center - Marine Resources Research Institute 1
- Southern Cross University 1
- Southern Illinois University 1
- Southern Oregon State College 2
- Spin Physics/Kodac 1
- St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 9
- St. Lawrence University 1
- St. Vincent Hospital 2
- Stafford College 3
- Stanford University 7
- Stanford University School of Medicine 2
- State University of New York Health Science Center 2
- Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn 1
- Stelia Aerospace North America Inc. 1
- Stockholm University 3
- Stony Brook University 5
- Stowers Institute for Medical Research 5
- Super X Studios LLC 1
- Swedish Hospital Medical Center 2
- Swiss Gemmological Society 1
- Syracuse University 2
- Tallinn University of Technology 10
- Tanta University 2
- TCDD Teknik Müh. Müş. A.Ş. 1
- Teabeck 1
- Technion – Israel Institute of Technology 1
- Tel Aviv University 1
- Teledyne Cast Products 1
- Teledyne Wah Chang Albany 3
- Tellus Science Museum 1
- Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory 1
- Temple University Medical School 1
- Tennessee Technological University 1
- Texaco, Inc. 1
- Texas A&M University 1
- The Anton Van Leeuwenhoek Society For Life & Exact Sciences 1
- The Babraham Institute 3
- The Bureau of Microworld Exploration 1
- The Garvan Institute 1
- The George Washington University Medical Center 5
- The Hospital for Special Surgery 1
- The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 1
- The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) 4
- The Netherlands Cancer Institute 1
- The Ohio State University 7
- The Plankton Pundit 3
- The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) 1
- The Rockefeller University 7
- The Roslin Institute 2
- The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation 1
- The Schepens Eye Research Institute 3
- The Scripps Research Institute 8
- The University of Auckland 0
- The University of British Columbia 2
- The University of Georgia 14
- The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 2
- The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 2
- The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 4
- The University of Western Australia 6
- The Virginia Company, Inc. 1
- The Wistar Institute 10
- Thomas Jefferson University 2
- Tokyo Institute of Technology 2
- Tokyo Metropolitan University 4
- Toronto General Hospital 1
- Trier University of Applied Sciences 8
- Truman State University 1
- Tsinghua University 2
- Tufts University School of Medicine 1
- Tulane University 1
- U.S Geological Survey 1
- U.S. Naval Hospital 1
- UC Santa Barbara 9
- UCLA School of Medicine 3
- UCLA, Jerry Lewis Center 1
- UCSF, Wittmann Lab 2
- UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago) 1
- UMDNJ (University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey) 1
- Umeå Universitet 2
- UNIAX Corporation 4
- Union Carbide Corp. 2
- Union College 2
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 3
- United Technologies Research Center 1
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 2
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2
- Universidad de Antioquia 1
- Universidad de Santander 2
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma (UNA) 3
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2
- Universidad Nacional del Comahue 1
- Universidad of Almería 1
- Università di Pisa 1
- Universitat Autònoma 1
- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) 1
- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) 1
- Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) 2
- Université Paris Diderot 1
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie 1
- University at Albany, SUNY 1
- University Claude Bernard Lyon I 1
- University College London (UCL) 4
- University Hamburg 1
- University Hospital Essen 2
- University Jean Monnet 2
- University of Aberdeen 2
- University of Alabama at Birmingham 14
- University of Alabama School of Medicine 1
- University of Alberta 2
- University of Alicante 2
- University of Antwerp 1
- University of Arizona 3
- University of Auckland 5
- University of Barcelona 2
- University of Belgrade, Institute of Physics 2
- University of Bergen 1
- University of Bern 3
- University of Bologna 1
- University of Bonn 2
- University of Bordeaux 2
- University of Botswana 1
- University of Brighton 1
- University of Buenos Aires 1
- University of Cádiz 2
- University of Calgary 3
- University of California, Berkeley 14
- University of California, Irvine 2
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 2
- University of California, San Diego 24
- University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) 15
- University of Cambridge 15
- University of Cape Town 7
- University of Chile 1
- University of Cincinnati 2
- University of Colorado Boulder 24
- University of Copenhagen 2
- University of Delaware 2
- University of Dundee 13
- University of Durham 2
- University of East Anglia 1
- University of Eastern Finland 1
- University of Edinburgh 8
- University of Essex 4
- University of Florida 1
- University of Geneva 6
- University of Glasgow 1
- University of Halle 1
- University of Hawaii 5
- University of Helsinki 5
- University of Hong Kong 4
- University of Iceland 1
- University of Idaho 2
- University of Illinois 1
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 8
- University of Illinois Springfield 1
- University of Iowa 5
- University of Kansas 3
- University of Kent 1
- University of Kentucky 1
- University of Kuopio 1
- University of Latvia 1
- University of Leeds 1
- University of Liège 2
- University of Linköping 1
- University of Lisbon 4
- University of Liverpool 1
- University of Ljubljana 2
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette 1
- University of Louisville 4
- University of Louvain-la-Neuve 1
- University of Maine 1
- University of Manitoba 1
- University of Maryland 3
- University of Maryland School of Medicine 1
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) 5
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst 9
- University of Massachusetts, Boston 1
- University of Melbourne 3
- University of Miami 3
- University of Michigan 4
- University of Milan 1
- University of Minnesota 12
- University of Missouri 2
- University of Muenster 1
- University of Münster 1
- University of Nevada School of Medicine 1
- University of New South Wales School of Medicine 1
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 5
- University of Northern Colorado 1
- University of Nottingham 13
- University of Oregon 1
- University of Oslo 4
- University of Osnabrück 10
- University of Otago 1
- University of Oulu 1
- University of Oviedo 5
- University of Oxford 5
- University of Padova 7
- University of Pannonia 4
- University of Paris, South 1
- University of Pennsylvania 11
- University of Pittsburgh 9
- University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 1
- University of Potsdam 3
- University of Pretoria 1
- University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Mayaguez Campus 21
- University of Queensland 1
- University of Rhode Island 5
- University of Rochester 2
- University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 3
- University of Rostock 3
- University of São Paulo 13
- University of Saskatchewan 1
- University of Sheffield 1
- University of Southampton 4
- University of Southern California 1
- University of Sydney 5
- University of Szeged 2
- University of Tabriz 5
- University of Tampere 2
- University of Tasmania 1
- University of Tennessee 1
- University of the Pacific School of Dentistry 1
- University of the West of England Bristol 1
- University of Tuebingen 3
- University of Turin 1
- University of Turku 1
- University of Ulster 9
- University of Utah 11
- University of Valencia 5
- University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover 1
- University of Victoria 1
- University of Vienna 4
- University of Virginia 1
- University of Warwick 2
- University of Washington 21
- University of Wisconsin - Madison 10
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 2
- University of Wisconsin - River Falls 7
- University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point 10
- University of Wroclaw 11
- University of Wyoming 4
- University of Zurich 6
- Uppsala University 3
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1
- UT Southwestern 1
- Utrecht University 1
- VA Palo Alto Health Care System/Stanford University 2
- Van Andel Institute 1
- Van Egmond Photography 2
- Vanderbilt University 19
- Vernafilm 2
- Veterans Administration Hospital 1
- VIB (Flanders Institute of Biotechnology) 6
- Victoria University of Wellington 2
- 1
- Vinsanchi Art Museum Azumino 1
- Virginia Tech 3
- Vision Institute 1
- Wadsworth Center 2
- Wageningen University 1
- Wake County Medical Center 1
- Wake Forest University 2
- Warsaw University of Technology 1
- Washington State University 2
- Washington University in St. Louis 2
- Washington University School of Medicine 5
- Wayne State University 3
- WEHI, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research 6
- Weizmann Institute of Science 1
- Wesleyan University 1
- Western Australian Herbarium 2
- Western General Hospital 1
- Westlake University 1
- Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research 3
- WildMacro 4
- Wilhelmina Gasthuis 1
- Wonder Science 2
- Woodridge State High School 1
- World Expo Museum 4
- 15
- 1
- 2
- 1
- Yale University 1
- Yin Works 0
- Yokohama National University 3
- York College of Art and Technology 2
- York University 1
- Youth Ecological-biological Center 1
- YYU Medical School 1